Our response to climate change

Quartet Community Foundation recognises the growing climate emergency and the need to take positive climate action at a local level.

In response we are reducing our own carbon footprint, increasing our funding for environmental work and engaging the communities we work with.  

We are members of the Bristol Climate and Nature Partnership, and we have signed up to the Association of Charitable Foundation’s Funder Commitment on Climate Change which commits us to action in the following areas:

  • Educate and learn
  • Commit resources
  • Integrate
  • Steward our investments for a post-carbon future
  • Decarbonise our operations.
many hands resting on a tree towards the tree top

Educate and learn

Taking action on climate change is a key strand of our strategy. Our 2021 Vital Signs report ‘Climate and Communities’ set out the urgent need for us all to do more to tackle climate change.  The report has helped us and the people we work with understand the likely impacts of climate change on the West of England.  It highlighted that lots of VCSE sector organisations haven’t had much capacity to plan for how climate change might affect their work or the people they support. So one of the ways we’re helping is by offering guidance to groups applying for funding on how they can design their projects to be more environmentally friendly (see here).

Commit resources

We have committed to increasing our support for climate and nature-recovery work. This includes the funding we distribute, the time we dedicate to engaging with the issues and the procurement choices we make as an organisation.  

The latest analysis by the Environmental Funders Network showed that as a whole, charitable foundations in the UK gave around 8.5% of their total funding in 2021-22 to environment-related causes (up from 5.8% in 2018-19).

To get a sense of how we compare, we calculated that in the ten years to March 2021, around 5% of our grant-making total had gone towards climate and environment-related projects. Since then, working with donors, we’ve run grant programmes dedicated to this theme, such as the Bath & West Community Energy Fund, Wessex Water Community Fund and Megawatt Community Energy Grant.  

We’ve also focused on support for environmental work through Quartet’s own Sector Development Grant Programme. So far, over £162,000 has been awarded through this programme towards strategic support for climate sector organisations and collaborative work. This includes grants for Bristol Energy Network to extend its work supporting VCSE sector organisations to be more energy efficient; core support for Bristol Food Network to champion sustainable local food systems; and support for VCSE sector organisations in South Gloucestershire to engage with climate change and nature recovery (see below).

Our latest figures, using a new analysis carried out in 2024, show that today around 15% of our total grant-making in the West of England has supported grants that have a positive impact on climate and nature, and we are committed to doing more.


It’s important to us that consideration for the environment is fully integrated into all we do at Quartet. We have a climate action plan that spans all areas of our organisation, and we are finding ways to enhance our understanding so that we can give good advice to philanthropists and make good decisions when distributing funding.

The committees that advise and govern our work are fully engaged with climate change and nature recovery, and we are making good progress at integrating new changes and ideas. We recently held a staff and trustee climate-focused ‘away day’ to help us identify ways we can do more to make climate and nature recovery even more central to our work.

Steward our investments for a post-carbon future

A key point of progress in our commitment has been to review and update our investment policy, so that the approximately £63m held in our endowment fund is working for climate and nature recovery and not against it. We have a responsibility to get good returns for our fund holders and for community groups in need of support. But this does not mean investing in ways that will harm us all in the long run.

Our endowment fund is managed in accordance with the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment, which integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process. Our new investment policy reflects our responsibility to do what we can to limit climate change, supporting the ambition for carbon neutrality by 2030 that is held by each of the local authority areas we serve. A key area of focus has been to work with our investment managers and finance committee to progressively reduce our direct exposure to oil and gas companies. At August 2024, only 0.4% of our endowment was invested directly in fossil fuels and we are working towards reducing this to 0%.

Decarbonise our operations

Quartet is fortunate to own our building, Royal Oak House, providing a home in central Bristol for ourselves and a hub for other charitable organisations. Beginning in  2021, we have carried out an independent audit of the environmental impact of our operations and our building as whole. This audit provided us with a series of prioritised changes necessary in order to decarbonise our operations, which we have developed into an internal action plan.

Some of these changes are easier to make than others, especially because we are conscious of creating any financial or other burden on the other charity organisations that share our building. But we have already made some important ones, like switching to green energy tariffs since 2023, changing our procurement approach, and working with suppliers to understand their supply chains. We have reduced the number of paper copies of the publications we produce, switching to a preference for digital publication. As of 2024, we are implementing further measures to make best use of resources within our building, for example continuing to install energy efficient lighting as the old units come to the end of their life.  Working with WECA’s Green Business Team and the Bristol City Leap project, we have carried out further engineering assessments of our building, to investigate the potential for Solar PV generation on the roof of our building, and natural gas alternatives for our heating and hot water.  

We will keep updating this page as we review our progress and report on our commitments. Do check back here for updates and get in touch if you have ideas for other actions we can take.

Case studies of climate and ecological recovery work we have funded

Our Sector Development Grant Programme is supporting an exciting two-year new partnership

Our Sector Development Grant Programme is supporting an exciting new partnership with £40,000 over two years. CVS South Gloucestershire, Southern Brooks Community Partnership and South Gloucestershire Council, who are part-funding the project, will work together to ensure that community work across South Gloucestershire is engaged with climate change and nature recovery. Groups will be supported to take a climate lens to their own organisations and work, to access peer-learning from climate-focused groups and to benefit from the expertise of South Gloucestershire Council’s climate team.  This ambitious project will join resources, knowledge and expertise and embed climate thinking across the VCSE sector. 

Grant to Re:Work to develop training and advice sessions

Re:Work is a charity combatting poverty in South Bristol. They received a grant of £4,000 from the Megawatt Community Energy Fund to develop training and advice sessions for people living in fuel poverty. The sessions are giving residents of Filwood the tools to make their homes more energy efficient and cheaper to heat.  

Grant to Bath Share and Repair for schools ecological outreach programme

Bath Share and Repair received funding of £4,801 from the Bath & West Community Energy Fund toward their Carbon Footprint Project, helping primary school children learn how to repair, reduce and reuse to decrease their carbon emissions. The project will reach around 1,000 children in schools across South Bath, an area with a high carbon footprint per person.  

Grant towards air source heat pump for Bath City Farm

Bath City Farm is a welcoming urban farm, using its unique setting to boost health and well-being, teach people new skills and improve environmental awareness. The farm received a grant of £5,000 toward a new air source heat pump, replacing an old system that had broken down, putting their operations and services at risk. The air source heat pump is an affordable and reliable energy source that reduces the Farm’s carbon footprint and provides efficient energy for the Farm’s future.   

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