Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Our aim is for everyone to have a fair chance at a good life

We are committed to improving equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our work.

We have always believed in fairness and have sought to assist people who are most disadvantaged in our region. We recognise that this approach is open to improvement.

We want to reflect the diversity of the people who live in the West of England area. This includes those who govern and deliver our work, the donors to our fund, and those who are awarded grants

We want to address inequalities and the legacy of historic disadvantage. We recognise that equity is being fair to all and that the starting points are uneven. 

As an organisation for the community, we want the community to take part in our decision-making. We want people of all backgrounds to feel included.

We will continue to develop processes that are fair, inclusive and respectful to all people. To drive this forward, we are developing a 3 year strategy with targets which we are committed to resourcing and reviewing annually:

Year 1 – Research & Exploration

Year 2 – Integration & Implementation

Year 3 – Consolidation, sharing practice and looking ahead

Our partners

We recognise that in order to fully embed EDI within the foundation, we will need to draw upon partners and experts in our journey. Our network of partners will be built organically and over time, however, we have begun by engaging with the following organisations/initiatives:

Our aim is to truly represent the communities we support.

Set up a fund with us

Create a fund that makes a long term difference to the people and communities you want to help.

Share your expertise

Share your business skills and experience to support the local voluntary sector.

Local stories

Hear what's happening for communities in our region.