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They heard from Stacy and Tom from Eastside Community Trust and Amy Kinnear from Southmead Development Trust (SDT). Both projects spoke about the work they’re doing thanks to funding through our City Funds BCH Health and Wellbeing Grant Programme.
Stacy Yelland and Tom Williams from Eastside Community Trust spoke about their initiatives addressing childhood obesity within one of the most ethnically diverse populations in Bristol.
Eastside Community Trust in East Bristol formed through a merger in May 2020 between Easton Community Centre, Felix Road Adventure Playground and Up Our Street.
Tom and Stacy spoke about how their offer of adventurous play and healthy food is a key tool in tackling obesity in childhood and the family.
Through their City Funds BCH Health and Wellbeing grant funded project working with Easton Children’s Community Centre, they provided:
We all know adult social care faces enormous challenges and that as a result, the needs of the individual can get side-lined. Amy Kinnear from Southmead Development Trust joined us to talk about their Community Care Connect project. Thanks to funding through the City Funds BCH Health and Wellbeing Grant Programme, this innovative new project will focus on putting local people before profit in social care.
Community Care Connect will seek to remove the need for a care agency. Acting as a match-maker between the self-employed carers and people needing social care, they aim to put the person seeking care in control. This will also help ensure that money from the care system goes straight into the local community and stays there.
Behind the Scenes are informal events, providing an opportunity for Quartet’s 300+ fund holders to learn first-hand about the organisations doing fantastic work within our local communities.
Quartet offers a range of events throughout the year for our fund holders, including these Behind the Scenes events. Other events include our Philanthropy in Practice events in B&NES, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
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