For current grant holders

As a grant recipient, Quartet asks you to report back on the progress, achievements and the lessons learned from the work that we have funded.

The knowledge gained from this feedback is vital to support our ongoing learning. We use the information provided to highlight achievements and good practice with our donors, stakeholders and the wider public.

What we want to see (it’s not just about achievements!)

It’s great to read about your successes and achievements, but we would also like to learn about what didn’t go so well and why, and how you intend to move forward using any lessons you may have learnt. 

We want you to:

  • Share your experiences honestly – the good and the not so good
  • Help us learn from your experiences
  • Allow us to share good practice or learning with others
  • Help us make better and more informed funding decisions.

Why do we ask for an End of Grant report

There is a great deal we can learn about our grant making from the feedback we receive from you. This helps us to:

  • Be better equipped to respond to need and make better decisions
  • Improve our day to day practices
  • Be more accountable and credible
  • Celebrate success, highlighting achievements and good practice

Importantly, our grants are made possible by donors that have set up funds through Quartet Community Foundation. We need to share your experiences and demonstrate the impact a donor’s fund is having on local communities.

How it can affect future funding

Reporting back to us can be key to obtaining future grants, and not reporting back may go against you with future applications.

Please note that sharing information with us about aspects of your funded work that didn’t go well will not prejudice future applications, as long as you demonstrate what you have learnt and how you intend to move forward. This allows us to learn what works and may not work well, and how various factors can have an impact on a project’s delivery.

Questions to expect in End of Grant reports

The questions asked within End of Grant reports may depend on the grants programme that you were awarded a grant from. Typically, End of Grant reports ask questions based on the following:

  • How the grant was spent
  • Any further funding secured from other sources
  • What activities were delivered
  • Number of people who benefitted
  • What difference has the grant made to individuals, communities and your organisation
  • Any changes to the original project/activity plan
  • Plans for continuing your work beyond the lifetime of the grant award
  • In addition to the above, there is also an opportunity to attach photos and other information, such as a case study or evaluation report.

How do I report back on my grant?

We will send you an email that contains a link to an online End of Grant report, which contains many of the areas outlined above.

Further Questions?

Please get in touch either at or on 0117 989 7700.

Set up a fund with us

Create a fund that makes a long term difference to the people and communities you want to help.

Share your expertise

Share your business skills and experience to support the local voluntary sector.

Local stories

Hear what's happening for communities in our region.