Welcome to ProHelp – the region’s Pro bono service

Share your expertise with local charities and community groups in the West of England

Our ProHelp service connects business and people with local voluntary and community groups to share their skills, professional advice and services, and help to strengthen the vital services that they deliver for our local communities.

Information for businesses and individuals with expertise to share

Information for charitable organisations looking for pro bono support

ProHelp in action: Jubilee Pool, Bristol

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If you are a business or an individual with professional expertise to share, we’d like to hear from you.

This expertise could be anything from providing advice or helping a charity to review a key policy, to creating a new brand identity.

We will help you to make a real impact in the local area by identifying and introducing you to the organisations that most need your help. You can be sure that we’ll be directing your support to where it really counts.

You’ll join a network of local impact makers who have already provided professional services and training to over 150 local groups since 2020.

Quartet underwrites the entire costs of providing this ProHelp service for both businesses and charities, and currently there is no required fee for businesses in order to use and benefit from this service. Instead, businesses are asked to consider making a voluntary contribution towards the costs of delivering ProHelp, to help sustain this valuable local service.

Benefits to you and your business

  • Support your values, ESG, B Corp, Sustainable Development Goals and demonstrate Social Value in procurement
  • Reach employee volunteering goals, develop skills, future talent and boost employee engagement
  • Access new networks and business opportunities
  • Gain local insights and support with developing an effective community engagement strategy
  • Make strategic sense of the time and resources which you invest in the local community
  • Shared PR opportunities to highlight your collaboration with the incredible local voluntary organisations you are supporting.

How it works

  • A tailored & dedicated brokerage service provided by our Pro Bono Manager
  • You choose to get involved as little or often, where & whenever suits your business
  • Select from a range of time-limited opportunities to invest your time and expertise
  • You’ll receive a ProHelp West of England – Impact Maker Social Value Report for each activity you’re involved in.

The expertise needed often includes:

  • HR – health checks, policy & procedure reviews, employment advice
  • Legal – contract or lease reviews & negotiation, commercial, data protection & privacy, intellectual property, legal structures
  • Professional building services – design, surveys, property maintenance, project planning, building control, valuations
  • Communications & creative design – branding, copy, website design and content, promo films, social media
  • IT & CRM systems, measuring & demonstrating impact
  • Business planning, strategy, coaching and mentoring, facilitation, financial management, budgeting &accounting system, tax, VAT
  • Strengthening Governance, health & safety, cyber security, data protection & privacy policy reviews
  • And more….!

Lets talk

To find out more, please get in touch with our Pro Bono Manager, John Stienlet or call John on 07884 053 413 

Give up your time

Set up a fund with us

Create a fund that makes a long term difference to the people and communities you want to help.

Share your expertise

Share your business skills and experience to support the local voluntary sector.

Local stories

Hear what's happening for communities in our region.