Local project goes global at COP26

Four presenters in the Ujima Radio station. They are all smiling to camera.Black and Green Ambassadors: Ujima radio on the world stage at COP26

Diverse voices on climate change and its solutions

The Black & Green Radio Show

We awarded Ujima Radio a Megawatt Community Energy Grant of £5,000 towards producing radio shows as part of the Black & Green Ambassadors Project. This is thanks to funding through Bristol Energy Cooperative and Low Carbon Gordano.

The Black & Green Ambassadors radio shows encourage diverse voices on climate change, its solutions and how to reduce its impact.

Discovering local talent, and giving it a global platform at COP26

Miranda Rae, Broadcast Manager, Ujima Radio:

“We are thrilled to have been awarded one of Quartet’s Megawatt Grants, funded by Bristol Energy Cooperative and Low Carbon Gordano. This was the 2nd year we were able to deliver this grant addressing vital issues of the environment, diversity and inclusion.

“It gave us the opportunity to work with and discover a huge array of people and organisations doing such important work in the Bristol community and the environmental arena.

“It enabled us to continue the important work of the Black & Green Ambassadors too, which received global success at this year’s Cop26. We are so grateful to Quartet, Bristol Energy Cooperative and Low Carbon Gordano for recognising the importance of the work Ujima Radio are doing”.

Roy and Olivia on the world stage

Representing Bristol at COP26, Olivia Sweeney and Roy Kareem, two Black & Green Ambassadors, looked at climate and racial justice, and the importance of representing diverse communities to address environmental issues.

COP26 was the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow from 31 October to 13 November 2021. The president of the conference was UK cabinet minister Alok Sharma.

Putting the spotlight on local projects and issues

Back in Bristol, the Black & Green Ambassadors have created special editions of the radio shows. This includes one earlier this year featuring interviews with Bristol Mayoral candidates and another focused on air quality on national Clean Air Day 2021.

What is the Black & Green Ambassadors project?

Tune into the Black & Green Ambassadors radio show live every last Thursday of the month, 10am to 12pm, on Ujima Radio 98fm.

Broadcast on the last Thursday of every month, Ambassadors produced eight radio shows celebrating grassroots projects, looking at issues of environmental sustainability, equity and inclusion.

The radio shows highlighted local projects including 91 Ways, St Pauls Community Garden, Black Seeds Network and SONNET project.

The Megawatt Community Energy Grant through Quartet Community Foundation supplemented a three-year grant from the National Lottery Community Fund for the overall programme. The Megawatt grant covered costs related to the radio shows.

Interested in environmental issues?

Read our Vital Signs report on Climate and Communities in the West of England


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