Funding in action: LWOOSA and The Bristol Port Company
Be inspired by our video about long-term fundholder The Bristol Port Company and the essential funding they are providing, through Quartet, to support the vital…
Whitewood Family Fund
A family fund helping young people through sport. Read about the inspiring story of Ruth and Arthur Whitewood and their legacy of the Whitewood Family…
In conversation with Thomas Sheppard, High Sheriff of Somerset
Whether you are a professional adviser, an established charity or someone trying to develop a charitable project, a conversation with Quartet will leave you better…
Grants tackle health inequalities in North Somerset
Before Christmas one of our largest funds, the North Somerset Community Partnership Fund (NSCP), awarded £127,500 to support health and wellbeing projects in North Somerset.
Celebrating Black History Month 2021: five questions with Miriam Robertson
To celebrate Black History Month in October 2021 Charlene Lawrence, Quartet’s Engagement Officer, speaks to Miriam Robertson at North Somerset BME Network.
Supporting veterans throughout the pandemic
With the grant from St Monica’s Trust, SSFA helped elderly North Somerset veterans and their families facing poverty and disadvantage.
Sharing joy of new experiences as lockdown eases – Alive Activities for older people
“We have spoken to older people and their carers and many are still afraid of leaving their homes despite the easing Covid restrictions. Attending an…
Outdoor classroom a new way to learn
“This support is really making a huge difference and Jonny is undoubtedly benefiting. He is calmer, happier, and exhibiting far less anxiety.” – parent of…
Let’s get outside this spring – Osprey Outdoors
“I found the walking group helps my anxiety…Osprey Outdoors gives me a sense of purpose and a reason to get up in the morning. I…