Over £1.19m in grants last month

A grant to Eastside Community Trust will support community events as we come back together after the Covid-19 pandemic
In June 2021 we agreed grants worth of £1.197m for more than 100 local projects
The money will help people with mental health issues, children, disabled people and many more. Eastside Community Trust, pictured here, benefited from a Catalyst grant.
Health and wellbeing will get a significant boost thanks to more than £770,000 in grants approved through the Bristol Community Health (BCH) grants programme. This BCH money, part of a two year programme, will help 26 projects working to improve local health and wellbeing.
Five projects making a difference across Bristol, B&NES, North Somerset & South Glos
We’re so grateful to everyone who’s worked to make this phenomenal amount of grant funding possible.
Here are just five of the 100+ projects grant agreed in June 2021
- £12,402 to Eastside Community Trust (A Place of Possibility) to support community events as we come back together after the Covid-19 pandemic. (Catalyst Grant)
- £38,532 to WECIL toward the Share & Connect befriending service, which will provide guidance, support and befriending to isolated disabled people and support the group’s organisational development plans to create a single diagnostic/triage entry point into its services. (Bristol Community Health – Health & Wellbeing Grant)
- £4,400 to Our Way Our Say for the ‘Fighting back to get on track’ project, providing non-contact boxing sessions specifically targeting those local young people who are harder to engage, to build relationships and to try to put them on a better path. (High Sheriff of Somerset Neighbourhood Policing Grant)
- £5,000 to the Avon Riding Centre for The Disabled to support the group’s current clients to return to the group’s activity, and new clients, particularly those whose mental health has suffered during the pandemic. (Express Grant)
- £39,260 to the Inns Court Community Centre (The Mede) towards staff costs over a two-year period for the Sprint Community Transport scheme to add additional capacity so the group can grow the service with the aim of reducing social exclusion and isolation within disadvantaged areas of Bristol. (Bristol Community Health – Health & Wellbeing Grant)
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