Welcome to your fund

This page gives you, a Quartet fundholder, access to your online fund statement.

Each statement contains details of your fund balance, grants you have made, fluctuations in investment income or fund value and your agreed contribution to Quartet’s running costs.

New fund statements are available each month. Please contact your Fund Manager if you have any questions or would like any more detailed information at any other time.

You can add to your fund at any time:

  • Online by choosing your fund in the donate now page
  • By cheque, made out to ‘Quartet Community Foundation’. Please include a note to tell us that the donation is intended for your fund.
  • By bank transfer; please find the details in your welcome pack or get in touch with us directly.

If you have a permanent endowment fund you can choose whether new donations are added to your permanent endowment or go straight to your grant-making pot. The different options incur different charges. Before adding to your fund, first tell your Fund Manager which option you’d prefer.

Sapling growing

The latest insights and events

November newsletter – a spotlight on supporting older people in our communities

This month we explore the impact of winter, especially on older people, many of whom experience fuel poverty, isolation and loneliness.

Recognised as Tech4Good South West Champion

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Set up a fund with us

Create a fund that makes a long term difference to the people and communities you want to help.

Share your expertise

Share your business skills and experience to support the local voluntary sector.

Local stories

Hear what's happening for communities in our region.