Sharing joy of new experiences as lockdown eases – Alive Activities for older people

Elder woman and two preschool age children in hi-vis jackets outside in a farm setting. Between them behind a fence is an orange and whitegoatAlive Activities

As Covid restrictions ease we’re delighted to announce a £5,000 grant for Alive Clubs for older people in care homes and those living in the community. The Alive Clubs will offer a range of activities including music, gardening and guided reminiscences, helping to combat isolation and loneliness.

Profound isolation

You’re probably aware that Covid has hit the most vulnerable hardest. And many older people, including those in nursing homes, have hardly left home for over a year.

A recent report highlights how for older people, staying at home may help to protect against the virus but it can lead to other serious problems including:

  • loss of function – mobility and balance especially as a result of moving around less
  • pain from untreated medical conditions
  • the psychological impact of living with so much stress, uncertainty and isolation, leading to increased loneliness.

We’re so delighted to announce a £5,000 grant for Alive Activities, because local older people need support now. They’ve faced isolation and loneliness for too long, despite the valiant efforts of their carers.

A time to enjoy making connections

The grant through the Tredwin & Pennington Family Fund held with Quartet Community Foundation will help these Alive Clubs provide a safe, friendly familiar environment, as Covid restrictions ease.

Older people in care homes and those living in the community will help choose the activities which can include:

  • music
  • creative art
  • gardening
  • singing, dance and movement
  • guided reminiscence
  • history
  • poetry.

Fear still stopping many leaving their homes

Isobel Jones from Alive says: “Covid-19 has exacerbated the difficulties experienced by older people, both those living in care homes and those older people living with dementia in the community. Office of National Statistics figures indicate that older people have been more at risk of suffering severe coronavirus symptoms and that people with dementia have been particularly susceptible.

“Activities physically connecting them with others have been unable to take place, and the resulting loneliness, isolation and depression is impacting enormously on older people’s quality of life. We have spoken to older people and their carers and many are still afraid of leaving their homes despite the easing Covid restrictions.

“Attending an Alive Club will help and support older people to feel reconnected with others and their wider community and help rebuild the social network that was taken away this year, in a safe environment.  We know older people need more engagement, and Alive Clubs will help them to find new activity whilst meeting others.”


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