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How wonderful to finally be able to hold our Annual Event and to do so in person. Members of our staff team and Board were joined by 85 guests on the top floor of M Shed Museum. We were blessed with a crisp, autumnal morning, allowing us to gather on the balcony and enjoy beautiful, golden hued views out across Bristol’s historic docks.
The event was an opportunity for us to reconnect with our close supporters and for friends to share conversations and a lunch together. Presentations from our Chair, Sue Mountstevens, and new CEO, Suzanne Rolt, allowed us to reflect back on our experience of the past 18 months, thank those people who have supported us along the way, and to share too our future plans.
We really hope to see many more of you as we work together over the coming months and years.
It would take more lifetimes than any of us could count to tackle each problem one person at a time. But by joining together, by working with and through the brilliant local charities and voluntary groups that are doing so much to address inequities, injustices, we can and we will begin to close the gap.
Suzanne Rolt – CEO, Quartet Community Foundation
Speaking at the event, our CEO Suzanne Rolt said:
“We are all taking part in life together, but somewhere along the line a deep divide has opened up: a divide that sees immense wealth and privilege sitting alongside, and often benefiting from, entrenched and systemic disadvantage.
“The scale of this can appear overwhelming. It would take more lifetimes than any of us could count to tackle each problem one person at a time. But by joining together, by working with and through the brilliant local charities and voluntary groups that are doing so much to address inequities, injustices, we can and we will begin to close the gap.
“It has been a long time since we had opportunities like this to be together in a room, united by a common sense of purpose that if, anything, has only been deepened by our experience of the past year and a half. And here, clearly stated and unequivocal is the core of what we’re about and the future we want to create: resilient communities where everyone has the chance to lead a fair, happy, healthy & productive life – and where everyone can feel that they belong.”
Bryony Johnstone presented the Penny Johnstone Award to Anna Bowie of Jacari Bristol.
This award is in memory of Penny Johnstone, our founding director. Along with the award Jacari Bristol received a cheque for £500 to support their work improving the confidence and English language skills of young people through their free tuition scheme. On making the award, Bryony Johnstone said:
“What I particularly loved about reading about Jacari’s work was their commitment to adapt and make things work – they seemed determined to solve problems to ensure that children’s education was as uninterrupted as possible.
“They had, and have, bold plans, to continue to do this learning from their experience this year… The passion of Jacari and those who work there comes through in spades and it is for this reason, and for mum’s own passion about education, that we have great pleasure in giving this very well deserved award.”
Many of our guests took the opportunity to discover more about the work of the four groups present, all previous grant recipients.
Thanks to the following groups for giving their time and coming along:
We’re very grateful to our event sponsor, CCLA.
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