Tag: climate change

Guests mingling before the social change event at the Engine Shed.

How can businesses and founders drive social change?

Read the highlights from our social impact event with Tech4Good South West.

September newsletter – a spotlight on tackling climate change locally

Read about the important role of local philanthropy in creating a fairer, greener West of England.
three white women standing next to a large pop-up banner

Great Big Green Week and funding

It’s Big Green Week and we are delighted to have been part of Bath & North East Somerset (B&NES) Climate & Biodiversity Festival, sharing our…
lots of one pound coins laid out flat

How much money goes to environmental causes?

Climate change is always in the news. How much money do you think UK charitable trusts & foundations award environmental causes such as climate change…
Vital Signs 2021

Vital Signs 2021

The Vital Signs 2021 Report ‘Climate and communities: a fairer, greener future in the West of England’ highlights how Covid has hit our most disadvantaged…

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Local stories

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